

What is it?

Equip parents of adolescents to act effectively and prevent the risks related to adolescent alcohol, marijuana and drug use.


  • Parents of adolescents


Available online 24/7, APT Parents this module is aimed at all parents of teenagers to better equip them to act effectively and prevent the risks related to adolescent alcohol, marijuana and drug use. The 60-minute e-learning program includes four interactive vignettes in which parents must interact with members of a fictitious family to resolve drug-use related issues. Each vignette touches upon an aspect of parenting that helps reduce the risk of use in young people: (1) parent-teenager relations, (2) parent- teenager communication, (3) parenting practices (discipline) and (4) conflict resolution strategies. The four vignettes include an information sheet on the theoretical notions on which they are based.

Thanks to support from the Fondation
 Jean Lapointe, the APT Parents program is available free online.

The APT Addiction Prevention Integrative Strategy
Overview of programs